In Victoria, all homes must be fitted with a working smoke alarm that complies with AS3786:2014 on every floor of the home.

Legislation changes have occurred over time to ensure every new property built is up to the new building code and smoke alarm recommendation of having interconnected smoke alarms throughout the property, so that when one sounds, they all sound.

Buildings built before the 1st of August 1997 that have not undergone any major renovations or do not already have hardwired smoke alarms installed, may use standalone smoke alarms powered by a 9v or 10-year lithium battery.

All properties built after the 1st of August 1997 or have undergone major renovations or extended require a 240V mains-powered smoke alarm with a backup battery. All properties built after this date should have had mains-powered smoke alarms installed.

All properties built after the 1st of May 2014 or have undergone major renovations, or extended must have smoke alarms that are connected to 240 mains power and be interconnected (where there is more than one) so that when one sounds, they all sound.

Rooming houses or buildings where one or more rooms are available for rent must have hard-wired smoke alarms.


Rental providers must:

    • The property has smoke alarms installed and they comply with state legislation and are approved for AS3786:2014
    • Must ensure the smoke alarms are operational
    • Must clean the smoke alarm and replace its battery every 12 months


Tenants must:

    • Test the smoke alarms monthly
    • Not remove or tamper with the alarm
    • Inform the rental provider (i.e., the real estate agent) as soon as they are aware of a problem with their smoke alarm/s

Information is correct as of January 2024. Details may change without notice. Please refer to the specific State websites for any changes.

Follow these links for more information on the Victoria Smoke Alarm Legislation:

Fire Rescue Victoria Website Consumer affairs Victoria

Hardwired Smoke alarms

The following smoke alarms can be used as mains-powered smoke alarms for all new builds, major renovations, and upgrades.


  • Photoelectric smoke alarm
  • Complies with AS3786:2014
  • 240V with 9v Backup battery
  • Interconnectable with up to 24 other smoke alarms and ancillary products
  • Can use wireless base (LIF6000WB) and wireless module (LIF6000WIRM) for wireless solutions.
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  • Photoelectric smoke alarm
  • Complies with AS3786:2014
  • 240V with 10-year rechargeable lithium backup battery
  • Interconnectable with up to 24 other smoke alarms and ancillary products
  • Can use wireless base (LIF6000WB) and wireless module (LIF6000WIRM) for wireless solutions
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  • Photoelectric smoke alarm
  • Complies with AS3786:2014
  • 240V with 9v Backup battery
  • Interconnectable with up to 24 other HG3000 smoke alarms.
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  • Photoelectric Smoke alarm
  • Complies with AS3786:2014
  • 240V with Sealed 10 year battery
  • Flush mounting design
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Battery Powered Smoke Alarms

The following alarms can be used in properties that require a smoke alarm but don’t have mains connected or don’t have a roof cavity to support mains connection.


  • Photoelectric smoke alarm.
  • Complies with AS3786:2014.
  • Sealed nonreplaceable 10-year lithium battery.
  • Interconnectable with up to 24 other wireless smoke alarm products.
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  • Photoelectric Smoke alarm
  • Complies with AS386:2014
  • Sealed nonreplaceable 10-year lithium battery
  • Super flush award-winning design


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  • Photoelectric Design
  • Complies with AS3786:2014
  • 9V Battery Powered
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Wireless Solutions for Smoke Alarms

In older properties where interconnection is required but wired interconnection cannot be achieved, the following smoke alarms and accessories may be considered.


  • Photoelectric smoke alarm.
  • Complies with AS3786:2014.
  • Sealed nonreplaceable 10-year lithium battery.
  • Interconnectable with up to 24 other wireless smoke alarm products.
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  • Allows LIF6800 and LIF6800RL smoke alarms to be wirelessly interconnected.
  • Powered by smoke alarm.
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  • Allows Lifesaver smoke alarms and other ancillary devices like heat alarms and carbon monoxide alarms to be wirelessly interconnected.
  • Powered by 240V mains.
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Wireless controllers for wireless smoke alarms


Smoke alarms are usually installed on ceilings and when they require to be tested or silenced, reaching a smoke alarm on the ceiling can make this difficult. Wireless controllers allow you to remotely silence and test wireless smoke alarms.


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Other Safety Options


  • Mains Powered heat detector designed to trigger at 57 degrees Celsius
  • 9VDC backup battery
  • Interconnectable with up to 24 other lifesaver smoke alarms and ancillary products


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  • Mains powered carbon monoxide detector
  • Sealed lithium battery that will last the lifespan of the alarm (7 years)
  • Interconnectable with up to 24 other lifesaver smoke alarms and ancillary products.


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  • 9VDC powered carbon monoxide alarm


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